Deep tissue massage is a massage therapy that focuses on the deepest areas of the muscle and connective tissue. T This type of massage is to relieve areas with persistent and contracted tensions,
Are you experiencing stress, muscle soreness, or pain? Do you feel like your body is a giant knot of tense muscles? Deep tissue massage therapy might be the solution to your problems.
1 – Relieving massage: what it is and what it is for
2 – What are the benefits of deep tissue massage
3 – How to prepare for a relieving massage session
4 – What are the side effects of decontracting massage?
5 – Deep tissue massage or relaxing massage
6 – Swedish or relaxing massage
7 – Our relieving massage session
8 What should you know before receiving a Deep tissue massage?
9 – Combined and personalized massages
10 – Other techniques that work well with relieving massage
1 – Relieving massage: what it is and what it is for
Relieving massage is a massage therapy that focuses on the deepest areas of the muscle and connective tissue. This type of massage is to relieve areas with persistent and contracted tensions, which can cause pain, stiffness, inflammation and limitation of movement.
Deep tissue massage is applied with firm and deep pressure, which slides and rubs the muscle fibers to break the knots and adhesions that form due to stress, poor posture, intense exercise or injuries.. The objective is to release muscle tension, improve blood and lymph circulation, and promote relaxation and well-being.
2 – What are the benefits of deep tissue massage
Deep tissue massages have benefits for both your physical and mental health. Any massage will have numerous benefits for the receiver, making them an an easy way to relax and treat your medical issues. Some of the most notable benefits of deep tissue massage are:
- Stress relief. Deep tissue massage helps reduce levels of cortisol, the stress hormone, and increases levels of endorphins, the hormones of happiness. This produces a feeling of calm, tranquility and satisfaction, which improves mood and quality of sleep.
- Reduces pain acts on trigger points, which are areas of involuntary muscle contraction that generate pain referred to other parts of the body. By pressing and relaxing these points, pain is relieved and normal muscle function is restored. Deep tissue massage also helps release natural anti-inflammatory and analgesic substances, such as serotonin and histamine, which help reduce pain.
- Lowers Blood Pressure and Heart Rate. stimulates the parasympathetic nervous system, which is responsible for regulating involuntary functions of the body, such as breathing, digestion and heart rate. Lowers blood pressure and heart rate. Relieving massage stimulates the parasympathetic nervous system, which is responsible for regulating involuntary functions of the body, such as breathing, digestion and heart rate.
- By activating this system, vasodilation occurs, which is the relaxation of blood vessels, allowing blood to flow better and blood pressure and heart rate to be reduced. Works on the connective tissue that surrounds and envelops the muscles, called fascia. The fascia can be altered by trauma, inflammation or immobilization, causing the formation of scar or fibrous tissue, which restricts movement and causes pain. This sport massage helps break down this tissue and restore the elasticity and flexibility of the fascia, which improves range of motion and joint mobility.
- Reduces arthritis symptoms. Relieving massage can be beneficial for people who suffer from arthritis, which is a disease that affects the joints and causes pain, inflammation, stiffness and deformity. This massage helps relieve pain, reduce inflammation, improve circulation, relax muscles and increase joint flexibility, which improves the quality of life of arthritis patients.
- Rehabilitates Injured Muscles. is a technique that can be applied in the recovery process of muscle injuries, such as sprains, strains, fibrillar tears, etc. Helps eliminate metabolic waste that accumulates in the injured muscle, improve the supply of nutrients and oxygen, prevent the formation of adhesions and stimulate the regeneration of muscle fibers, which accelerates healing and prevents relapses. .
- Greater range of motion Relieving massage improves the elasticity and flexibility of muscles and joints, allowing for a greater range of motion and better posture. This translates into greater efficiency and physical performance, as well as a lower probability of suffering injuries or pain due to overuse or poor positions.
- Reduction of pain perception. Has an effect on the central nervous system, which is responsible for processing and transmitting pain signals. Deep tisuue massage activates the pain inhibition mechanisms, which are those that block or attenuate the pain signals that reach the brain. This causes the pain to be perceived as less intense or even disappear.
- Relief of inflammation associated with plantar fasciitis. Plantar fasciitis is an inflammation of the plantar fascia, which is the tissue that covers the sole of the foot and connects the heel to the toes This inflammation causes pain in the heel, especially when getting up in the morning or after standing for a long time. deep tissue massage helps reduce inflammation, relax the plantar fascia, improve circulation and prevent the formation of bone spurs, which are abnormal growths of the heel bone that can aggravate pain.
- Relief of low back and chronic pain. Relieving massage is one of the most effective therapies to treat low back pain, which is one of the most common health problems and affects the quality of life of many people. Sports massage is one of the most effective therapies to treat low back pain, which is one of the most common health problems and affects the quality of life of many people. The decontracting massage helps to relax the muscles in the lower back, improve the alignment of the spine, reduce pressure on the intervertebral discs and nerves, and prevent the appearance of herniated discs, which are protrusions of the disc that compress the nerve and cause radiating pain to the legs. Is also useful for chronic pain, which is pain that persists for more than three months and does not respond to conventional treatments. Helps break the vicious cycle of chronic pain, which feeds on stress, anxiety, depression and insomnia, and affects the patient’s physical and mental health.
3 – How to prepare for a relieving massage session
To make the most of the benefits of relieving massage, it is important to properly prepare for the session. Here are some tips that can help you:
- Hydrate yourself well. Drink enough water before and after the massage to facilitate the elimination of toxins that are released during the massage and to avoid dehydration and muscle cramps.
- Avoid eating too much. Do not overeat before the massage, as it may cause indigestion, nausea or discomfort. The ideal is to eat something light and healthy about two hours before the massage, to have energy and not feel hungry.
- Wear comfortable clothes Wear clothes that are easy to put on and take off, and that do not constrict or bother you. During the massage, you will remove your clothing and cover yourself with a sheet or towel, exposing only the area to be massaged. The masseuse will respect your privacy and modesty at all times, and will only ask you to move or change position when necessary.
- Speak with the masseuse Before the massage, the masseuse will ask you some questions about your health, your expectations, your preferences
4 – What are the side effects of decontracting massage?
Relieving massage is a very beneficial therapy for health, but it also has some side effects that must be taken into account. These side effects may vary depending on the person, the intensity of the massage, the frequency and duration of the sessions, and the previous state of health. Some of the most common side effects are:
- Muscle pain or discomfort It is normal to feel some pain or discomfort in the muscles after a decontracting massage, since it is a technique that applies deep pressure and can cause microtrauma to the muscle fibers. This pain is usually mild and temporary, and is relieved with rest, hydration, and the application of heat or cold to the affected area. However, if the pain is severe or persists for more than two or three days, it may indicate that the massage was too strong or that there is some underlying injury or inflammation that requires medical attention.
- Bruises Some people may experience bruising or bruising on the skin after a decontracting massage, especially if they have sensitive, thin or fragile skin, or if they take medications that affect blood clotting, such as anticoagulants. Bruises or hematomas are the result of the rupture of blood capillaries under the skin, which is caused by the pressure exerted by the masseuse. These bruises or hematomas usually disappear within a few days, and can be prevented or reduced by using gentler pressure, applying ice to the area after the massage, and avoiding exposure to the sun or heat.
- Fatigue or drowsiness Relieving massage can cause a feeling of fatigue or drowsiness in some people, due to the relaxing effect it has on the nervous system and the body in general. This can be beneficial for people who suffer from stress, anxiety or insomnia, as it helps them sleep better and regain energy. However, it can also be an inconvenience for people who have to carry out activities that require attention or concentration after the massage, such as driving, studying or working. Therefore, it is recommended to plan the massage at a time of day when you can rest or relax afterwards, and avoid the consumption of alcohol, coffee or stimulants that may interfere with sleep or recovery.
- Allergic reactions. Relieving massage may cause allergic reactions in some people if they are sensitive or allergic to the products used during the massage, such as oils, creams, gels or aromas. These allergic reactions may manifest as rashes, itching, redness, swelling, or difficulty breathing To avoid these reactions, you should inform the massage therapist of any allergies or sensitivities you have, and ask them to use hypoallergenic or natural products, or not use any products at all. You can also bring your own product that is well tolerated, and apply it before or after the massage.
- Contraindications. Deep tissue massage is not suitable for everyone, as it can have adverse or counterproductive effects in some cases. Some of the contraindications of relieving massage are:
- Serious health problems. can be dangerous for people who have serious health problems, such as high blood pressure, heart conditions, severe osteoporosis, cancerous growths, or active tumors anywhere in the body. . can alter blood pressure, heart rate, blood circulation, immune system and metabolism, which can worsen these conditions or cause complications. Therefore, you should consult your doctor before receiving a relieving massage, and follow his or her instructions and recommendations.
- Blood clots. This technique can be very dangerous for people who have blood clots, as it can cause them to break off and move through the bloodstream, which can cause an embolism, heart attack or stroke. Blood clots can be due to a variety of causes, including trauma, surgery, immobilization, pregnancy, obesity, smoking, use of oral contraceptives, or genetic diseases. Therefore, you should avoid relieving massage if you have or suspect you have blood clots, and go to the doctor to receive appropriate treatment.
- Autoimmune diseases This therapy can be harmful for people who have autoimmune diseases, such as rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, multiple sclerosis or psoriasis. These diseases are characterized by an alteration of the immune system, which attacks the body’s own cells and tissues, causing inflammation, pain and damage. Deep tissue massage can stimulate the immune system, which can aggravate the symptoms and crises of these diseases. Therefore, you should consult your doctor before receiving a relieving massage, and follow his or her instructions and recommendations.
- Babies, children, the elderly and people with dementia. This therapy is not suitable for babies, children, the elderly and people with dementia, as they may have more delicate skin, weaker muscles, more fragile joints and a lower ability to communicate and perceive pain. This therapy can cause shock, muscle strain, bone fracture or nerve injury if applied with too much force or in sensitive areas. Therefore, decontracting massage should be avoided in these cases, and opt for other gentler massage techniques adapted to your needs and characteristics.
- Osteoporosis or bone cancer. This therapy can be very harmful for people who have osteoporosis or bone cancer, since they may have more porous, fragile and brittle bones, which can break easily. Deep tissue massage can put excessive pressure on the bones, which can cause a fracture, fissure or metastasis. Therefore, you should avoid relieving massage if you have osteoporosis or bone cancer, and go to the doctor to receive appropriate treatment.
5 – Deep tissue massage or relaxing massage?
There are so many different types of massages that when considering which type of treatment is best, it can become very confusing. Swedish massage, relaxing massage, Thai massage, sports massage or hot stone treatments, there are many more types of massages that we can keep track of. So here is the difference between the two most popular types of massage chosen by people looking to maximize the benefit of their treatments: Swedish massage (relaxing) and deep tissue (relieving massage).
6 – Swedish or relaxing massage
The Swedish or relaxing massage is the most common and well-known type of massage, and is based on the use of soft, fluid and rhythmic movements, which are applied with the hands, forearms or elbows, on the surface of the skin, with the use of oils or creams. The goal of Swedish or relaxing massage is to relax muscles, improve blood and lymph circulation, eliminate toxins, reduce stress and tension, and promote general well-being.
7 – Our relieving massage session
At the beginning of the session you will tell us your needs, ailments and preferences. Based on that information we will advise you one technique or another. For example, if you suffer from neck pain it will not be the same as if you suffer from low back pain or if your legs are heavy.
In general we start with a general relaxing massage to be able to work the muscles better and relax you. They are soft and rhythmic passes that also work as sedatives.
Then we will work harder and harder on the area that gives you the most problems. We will work on the points with pressure to remove pain knots.
If possible we will also do some stretching and manipulations to finish.
8 What should you know before receiving a Deep tissue massage?
- Hydrate well before and after the massage to facilitate the elimination of toxins and avoid dehydration and cramps.
- Avoid eating too much before the massage, as it may cause indigestion or discomfort. Eat something light and healthy about two houAvoid eating too much before the massage,
- Wear clothes that are comfortable and easy to put on and take off. During the massage you will remove your clothes and cover yourself with a sheet or towel, leaving only the area to be massaged exposed.
- Speak with the masseuse Tell him your expectations, your preferences, your allergies or sensitivities, and any health problems you have. The masseuse will respect your privacy and modesty, and will ask you to tell him or her if the pressure is okay or if you feel any pain or discomfort.
- Relax and enjoy. The decontracting massage is a pleasant and therapeutic experience that will help you relieve your tensions and improve your health. Breathe deeply, close your eyes and let the masseuse do his job.
- What is a deep tissue massage session like?
- At the beginning of the session you will tell us your needs, ailments and preferences. Based on that information we will advise you one technique or another. For example, if you suffer from neck pain it will not be the same as if you suffer from low back pain or if your legs are heavy.
- In general we start with a general relaxing massage to be able to work the muscles better and relax you. They are soft and rhythmic passes that also work as sedatives.
- Then we will work harder and harder on the area that gives you the most problems. We will work on the points with pressure to remove pain knots.
- If possible we will also do some stretching and manipulations to finish.
- What should you know before receiving a relieving massage?
- Hydrate well before and after the massage to facilitate the elimination of toxins and avoid dehydration and cramps.
- Avoid eating too much before the massage, as it may cause indigestion or discomfort. Eat something light and healthy about two hours before.
- Dress comfortable clouthing Wear clothes that are comfortable and easy to put on and take off. During the massage you will remove your clothes and cover yourself with a sheet or towel, leaving only the area to be massaged exposed.
- Speak with the masseuse Tell him your expectations, your preferences, your allergies or sensitivities, and any health problems you have The masseuse will respect your privacy and modesty, and will ask you to tell him or her if the pressure is okay or if you feel any pain or discomfort.
- Relax and enjoy. The decontracting massage is a pleasant and therapeutic experience that will help you relieve your tensions and improve your health. Breathe deeply, close your eyes and let the masseuse do his job.
9 – Combined and personalized massages
- Massages can be combined and personalized according to your needs and preferences. Maybe you want to treat different parts of the body differently. For example, a relieving back and shoulder massage, an anti-cellulite hip massage and lymphatic drainage of the legs, or a foot massage with reflexology. But keep in mind that this type of massage will take longer, the more areas we treat, the more time you will have to reserve if you want results.
10 – Other techniques that work well with relieving massage
- Foot massage Foot massage is a technique that is based on the stimulation of reflex points found on the sole, back and toes of the feet, and which correspond to different organs and parts of the body. Foot massage helps to relax, balance and harmonize the body, as well as prevent and treat various ailments. Foot massage can be combined with decontracting massage to improve circulation, relieve stress and pain, and enhance the therapeutic effect of the massage.
- Massage for tired legs. Tired leg massage is a technique that focuses on relieving heaviness, fatigue, swelling and pain in the legs, caused by poor circulation, sedentary lifestyle, heat, pregnancy or the use of inappropriate footwear. The massage of tired legs consists of applying soft, ascending and draining movements, which promote venous and lymphatic return, and which can be complemented with the use of essential oils, cold gels or compressive bandages. The massage of tired legs can be combined with the decontracting massage to relax the muscles, eliminate toxins and improve the health of the legs.
- Lymphatic drainage massage. Lymphatic drainage massage is a technique that is based on the activation of the lymphatic system, which is responsible for transporting and eliminating waste and harmful substances that accumulate in the body. The lymphatic drainage massage consists of applying soft, rhythmic and circular movements that follow the path of the lymphatic vessels, and which can be performed throughout the body or in specific areas. Lymphatic drainage massage can be combined with decontracting massage to reduce inflammation, edema, cellulite, varicose veins and infections, and to strengthen the immune system and metabolism.
- Masaje oil Thai. Thai oil massage is a technique that combines traditional Thai massage with the use of aromatic oils. Traditional Thai massage is a technique that is based on pressure, stretching and mobilization of the joints, to release energy blockages and restore balance to the body and mind. The use of aromatic oils helps to relax, hydrate and nourish the skin, as well as enhance the effects of the massage according to the properties of each oil. Thai oil massage can be combined with decontracting massage to relax muscles, improve flexibility, relieve pain and stress, and harmonize the body.
- Facial and head massage. Facial and head massage is a technique that focuses on relaxing and rejuvenating the skin and muscles of the face, neck and scalp. Facial and head massage consists of applying soft, firm and circular movements, which stimulate circulation, oxygenation and the production of collagen and elastin, and which can be accompanied with the use of creams, masks or oils. Facial and head massage can be combined with decontracting massage to improve the appearance, health and sensitivity of the skin, to prevent and reduce wrinkles, spots and blemishes, and to relieve tension, headaches and insomnia
A deep tissue massage is a type of therapeutic massage therapy that applies pressure deep into the muscles to release tension in your body and improve circulation in your blood vessels and for pain reduction.
The deep tissues therapist will usually apply friction, cross fiber frictions, or hold their hands still over an area while applying deep pressure into the deep tissues. There are different types of deep tissue massages that can be applied depending on your preferences and what you want to achieve with deep tissues. The difference between deep tissue massages and Swedish massages is that deep tissues use deeper pressure than regular Swedish techniques and they can cause pain or discomfort, whereas Swedish only uses gliding strokes to help soothe muscles, relax them, and relieve tension. Deep tissue is not meant to hurt but it could cause muscle soreness or fatigue after receiving deep tissue massages for an extended period of time, so make sure if this massage is right for you before receiving deep tissues. Always check for a deep tissue therapist license and certification before receiving deep tissues to prevent injuries, discomfort, or other problems such as infections from un-hygienic massage techniques used by non-licensed deep tissue therapists. If you have any health conditions that may be affected by deep tissues then always consult your doctor first before receiving deep tissue massages.
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